Free spaces in course programme

Workshop by the GSGG

14/21 November 2019 „Schreibwerkstatt kompakt – Planvoll, kreativ und sprachlich angemessen die Dissertation voranbringen

Central to this workshop are the different phases of the writing process, the difficulties and challenges, the sources of writer’s block, as well as strategies to resolve them. In addition, different writing strategies and the requirements of a scientific writing style will be thematised.

13 December 2019 „Wissenschaftsmanagement – ist das was für mich?

This short workshop offers information on the general framework of science management in Germany, the manifold fields of duty in this occupational area and necessary requirements and competences.


Our course programme for 2020 will be published on the qualification portal for PhD students in early December 2019.


Workshop by the Graduate School Forest and Agricultural Sciences (GFA)

18 – 22 November 2019 „Verwaltungsdeutsch für Akademiker

This workshop aims at supporting scientists in their communication in their academic life and thereby expand their understanding of the use of language for the purposes of communication and cooperation in German.