Tag der GSGG 2019 (24th October 2019)

The Tag der GSGG began, as usual, with the Geisteswissenschaftliche Einblicke.

On the schedule were, amongst others, fairy tale imagery in the novels by Günter Grass and linguistic developments in Georgian and Czech. Further presentations dealt with phenomena of digitalisation, bilateral relations between Serbia and Turkey on the eve of the First World War, and societal processes in urban entertainment districts. As in past years, the audience decided on the winner of the award for the best poster. The Best-Poster-Award was awarded to Maria-Daniela Pomohaci for her poster “Broomsticks, Brushes, and Hand-Carts: Municipal Sanitation Workers‘ Strikes in Late-Colonial Calcutta” – the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), where Maria-Daniela Pomohaci works, commented on this achievement on Facebook.

The Christian-Gottlob-Heyne-Award was awarded to historian Dr Felix Bohr for his dissertation, which has been published by Suhrkamp under the title „Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby. Bundesdeutsche Hilfe für im Ausland inhaftierte NS-Täter“; the laudatory speech was given by Prof Dr Petra Terhoeven. It is surely thanks to the book’s great reception that the Göttinger Tageblatt reported in great depth on the Tag der GSGG.