The small travel allowances (up to € 300 allowance; the application has to be at the GSGG office three weeks before the commencement of the journey at the latest) allow for flexibility for short-term conference and research trips. The executive board decided at its meeting on 13th July to establish a minimum for this funding line:
The proposed funding sum should amount to at least € 25 (both research and conference trips)
Conference trips:
If you participate in a conference without own contribution and therefore are allowed to apply for up to 25% of the total costs,
In connection with the new law on data protection (DSVGO), which recently entered into force, we would like to inform you about the following: According to § 16 (3) of the regulations of GSGG, the annual reports of the PhD students are reported to the board. De facto, since GSGG was founded, the board has delegated this task to the central office (the managing director, … Weiterlesen
For the sake of a continuous representation of the PhD students, we – Antje Kuhle and Florian Pahlke – would like to use the report of the PhD delegates to say goodbye as your representatives and to welcome the two new representatives – Alina Kruschewski und Monica Stoian. As already addressed at the general meeting, the aim of the past three years was not only to represent you at the board but to claim the PhD student’s wishes and concerns against the university in general and in the long run. … Weiterlesen
On 14th and 15th June, we, together with 13 PhD students from China, Iran, Japan, Austria and Germany, went to the town Naumburg in Saxony-Anhalt. The programme of the excursions included a guided city tour, a visit of the cathedral of Naumburg as well as a visit of the Nietzsche-Haus.
… Weiterlesen
On Wednesday, 27th June, our general meeting took place. Beside the report on the activities of GSGG over the past year, the main focus was on the election of the PhD delegates on the board. Jacqueline Alina Kruschewski (German Philology) was elected as the full-time spokesperson; Monica Stoian (Intercultural German Studies) was elected as her deputy. … Weiterlesen
In the agreements concerning the PhD students and supervision of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Theology the PhD students and their supervisors undertake to comply with the principles of good scholarly practice.
However, in the day-to-day reality of research situations occur time and again, which, in this sense, are difficult to assess. In previous years, … Weiterlesen
On 18th September at 10 am, our fourth Parents Café will take place. We cordially invite all graduating parents (and of course all other PhD students) – children are likewise warmly welcome! We would like to exchange views on questions on the topic PhD students with children. If you have specific concerns, please communicate these to us at the registration (at … Weiterlesen
In the last weeks, our international members reported on their particular situation. This primarily involved questions concerning resident status, duration of stay and the communication with the immigration authority of Göttingen. We, together with the other three graduate schools of Göttingen, strive to establish transparent communication structures. We would like to start with homogeneous and reliable information in the form of a FAQ list. … Weiterlesen
On 1st November 2018, our annual ”Tag der GSGG” will take place. The programme of our „Geisteswissenschaftlichen Einblicke“ is fixed and will be available soon. We are looking forward to the short presentations and the posters, which will be presented from 4:00 pm at the Hannah-Vogt-Saal and the Emmy-Noether-Saal of „Alte Mensa“ at the Wilhelmsplatz.
The presentation of the Christian-Gottlob-Heyne-Preis, … Weiterlesen
On Monday, 26th November 2018, our first alumni event will take. The general objective of this casual event series is the exchange of information between PhD students and former members about various professional fields. Our first guest will be junior professor Dr Julia Hauser, who holds a chair (in Global History/History of Globalisation Processes) at the University of Kassel. … Weiterlesen
The academic staff development organises a new event series on the subject of “Positionen im Wissenschaftsmanagement: Was macht eigentlich…?“. In smaller network sessions science managers of the university inform on their fields of activity and their personal career. All interested academics, who are interested in this field of work, can participate. The start is made by Dr Maren Zempel-Gino, … Weiterlesen
Our student assistant, Christian Keufner, left the central office at the end of May; since June 2018. We thank him warmly for the excellent collaboration! Dennis Benner has supported us as a student assistant in the field of IT. … Weiterlesen