Report of the representatives of the doctoral candidates

First of all, we would like to thank you that you have expressed your confidence in us for this year and elected us, Yassin Abou El Fadil (31, History of Economics and Social History, second doctoral year) and Rahel Micklich (25, Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era, first doctoral year), as your representatives of the doctoral candidates. Furthermore, we would like to thank our predecessors Alina Köster and Monica-Elena Stoian for their work in the past year and we are looking forward to our joint work with and within GSGG. We are looking forward to your suggestions and requests of the doctoral candidates to be able to represent your interests in the following year to the highest possible degree further on. Please send problems, questions and concerns of all sorts to the following email address:


Furthermore, we would like to call attention to the campaign “Uni Göttingen Unbefristet”, which has started some months ago. This initiative, which is organised cross-faculty by members of the Mittelbau, advocates for a removal of the time limit of all employment relationships of the academic and supporting employees and against precarious working conditions at university. The information stands of the initiative are located every Wednesday in alternation in front of the “Zentralmensa”, “Mensa am Turm” or “Mensa am NordCampus”. Please find further information on the website of the initiative.