The Course offer of GSGG (September to December 2019)
There are still places available in these courses!
- 5th/12th September “Schreibwerkstatt III – In den Schreibfluss kommen: Schreibroutinen etablieren und kreative Schreibtechniken nutzen“
The writing workshop focuses on various creative writing techniques, which facilitates thought process in order to develop new associations and connections. These can affect the own writing process sustainably in a positive way and prevent imminent writing difficulties right from the start.
- 4th/5th October “Writing Well – Handling written communication in English“
The workshop offers participants the opportunity to extend their competences to formulate English texts.
- 18th October “Ressourcenorientiertes Selbstmanagement und individuelles Zeitmanagement während der Promotion“
During the workshop, participants are enabled to become aware of their personal resources and to develop individual schedules for their doctoral phase.
- 14th/21th November “Schreibwerkstatt kompakt – Planvoll, kreativ und sprachlich angemessen die Dissertation voranbringen“
The workshop focuses on the different phases of the writing process, the difficulties and challenges, the emergence of writer’s blocks and solution strategies. Furthermore, various writing strategies and requirements concerning an academic style of writing will be thematised.