Messages from the doctoral representatives

On October 29 and December 7, two events took place, which were organized by PhD spokespersons Yassin Abou El Fadil and Lina Hantel.

At the online event Kumulativ Promovieren (October 29), doctoral candidates and supervisors discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a cumulative doctorate. The focus of the event, at which Manuel Schaper, who was one of the first doctoral candidates to receive a cumulative doctorate, Prof. Dr. Regina Bendix and Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach participated as podium participants, were among others the topics of publication strategies and authorship.

The online event Das liebe Geld (December 7) was very well attended with over 40 participants – including numerous Master’s students. Four doctoral students, who finance their doctorate through grants from foundations or employee positions, were available to answer questions from the plenum.