Slavist Lubomir Suva, who was shortlisted for the Christian-Gottlob-Heyne-Award in 2020, has now been awarded the Georg R. Schroubek Dissertation Prize for his dissertation “Der tschechische Himmel liegt in der Hölle. Märchen von Božena Němcová und den Brüdern Grimm im Vergleich”. We congratulate Lubomir!
Newsletter No. 56
- Doing a PhD: The How and Why (informational event for Master’s students)
- Parents café
- Current workshops
- Qualification offers from other institutions
- East. West. Equal? 30 years of unity at the Faculty of Humanities (interview series by the Equal Opportunities Office of the Philosophical Faculty)
- Online event „Research in Europe“ (KoWi, LMU, TU Munich)
- Call for applications ENLIGHT
- Deutscher Studienpreis 2021 from the Körber Foundation
- Online GEW seminar “#mutzurpromotion – Gelebte Diversität? Chancen(un)gleichheit auf dem Weg zur Promotion”