Information event around PhD funding

We wish you happy and reflective holidays and a good start into the coming year 2023!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you again next year on different occasions and would like to point out our next event:


Information event around PhD funding

January 26, 2023, start: 6:00 p.m., online via zoom.

We cordially invite you to our next information event around money. During the digital „speed dating“ with differently funded PhD students, there will be the opportunity to get to know different ways of PhD funding and to exchange experiences. Interested students in their master’s/major studies are cordially invited; so feel free to spread the word.

Participation is possible at this link (, meeting ID: 636 0461 9831; identification code: 205396).

Your PhD student representatives Rieke Dobslaw, Johanna Jürgens, Laura Kinzig and Katharina Paul