Save the Date: Events 2021
- In English: February 4, 2021, 6 PM to 7.30 PM, zoom
- In German: February 16, 2021, 6 PM to 7.30 PM, zoom
Discussion will revolve around formal and personal prerequisites for doctoral studies, financing options and the resulting various scenarios of how a doctoral project can proceed and what implications the doctorate has for further career paths. … Weiterlesen
March 16, 2021, 11 AM to 12 AM, zoom
Especially for parents with children of kindergarten or school age, this past year was not only challenging, but also an imposition, especially in view of the enormous performance and time pressure under which doctoral candidates are anyway. We cordially invite you to an exchange of experiences. … Weiterlesen
May 11, 2021, 2 PM to 3.30 PM, zoom
This network meeting for international doctoral students thrives on the exchange between advanced and new doctoral candidates. If you are interested in aiding doctoral candidates with your experience at the beginning of their doctorate, please contact the office by e-mail; as in 2019, we are planning a small panel discussion among advanced international doctoral candidates in order to convey informal knowledge and experience to newly arrived students. … Weiterlesen
June 22, 2021, 2 PM to 3.30 PM, zoom
In addition to an annual report from the office regarding initiatives and activities of the GSGG, the general meeting also has to elect the doctoral candidate representatives to the board. As always, we will kindly insist in the run-up to the general meeting so that enough doctoral candidates come together for the election to take place. … Weiterlesen
November 4, 2021, 4 PM
We very much hope that the next GSGG Day will take place in attendance again – if not, we will take care of a stimulating and entertaining online format in advance. … Weiterlesen
The course program for 2021 is online. As always, you can find it on the qualification portal for doctoral students. … Weiterlesen
Diskussionen leiten für Promovierende (online; in cooperation with the Hochschuldidaktik)
January 18/February 1, 2021
Achtung Auftritt! – Überzeugende Selbstpräsentation (in attendance, if necessary online)
March 9, 2021
Schreibwerkstatt kompakt: Planvoll, kreativ und sprachlich angemessen die Dissertation voranbringen (online; in cooperation with the Graduate School Forest and Agricultural Sciences)
April 29 to May 6, … Weiterlesen
January 26/27, 2021, both days starting at 9.30 AM
With more than 30 virtual events, the SNIC’s cooperation and innovation fair will take place for the first time, in which companies, founders, co-workers and scientists will take part. The program includes topics such as “innovative research”, “start-ups” and “creative industries”. Further information and the possibility to register can be found here. … Weiterlesen