Improv for Scientists

September 1, 2021: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm, online

Improtheater Improsant

As scientists, we know how to work in a structured and methodological manner, and we are used to being evaluated constantly in revision processes that may at times end with rejections. In this online workshop, we invite you to set that all aside. Instead of rejections, there will be a celebration of errors; instead of a rigid framework, there will be a creative chaos. With basic exercises of improvisational theater, we provide you with an active, playful, and inspiring change to your everyday life as a scientist. And who knows, maybe we will even discover some synergies between improv and science…

This event is open to all IVAC Festival participants

Workshop, social event via Zoom

Improsant – Improvisationstheater Göttingen is a group of inspiring actors and actresses of improvisation theater, who are also training others in the art of improv. Some are even scientists themselves. The instructors from Improsant teach improv workshops at the University of Göttingen, the Theater für Niedersachsen (TfN), and for organisations and businesses.

You can find more information about Improsant here.

Interested students can join the event without prior registration on Wednesday at the zoom link given on our program page.