GSGG Day 2019 (24 October 2019)

The GSGG Day started, as always, with the insights into the humanities.


The program included fairy tale imagery in Günter Grass’s novel and linguistic developments in Georgian and Czech. Further presentations dealt with digitalization phenomena, bilateral relations between Serbia and Turkey on the eve of the First World War or social processes in urban entertainment areas. Maria-Daniela Pomohaci received the Best Poster Prize for her poster “Broomsticks, Brushes, and Hand-Carts: Municipal Sanitation Workers‘ Strikes in Late-Colonial Calcutta” – the Center for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), at which Maria- Daniela Pomohaci works, commented on this success immediately on Facebook.

Historian Dr. Felix Bohr received the Christian Gottlob Heyne Prize for his dissertation entitled “Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby. Bundesdeutsche Hilfe für im Ausland inhaftierte NS-Täter”, which was published by Suhrkamp Verlag; the laudation was given by Prof. Dr. Petra Terhoeven. It is certainly thanks to the great response of this book that the Göttinger Tageblatt reported extensively on the day of the GSGG.