In light of the smaller budget (cf. Newsletter No. 42) the board has decided several modifications of the funding programme, which follow the proviso to focus our support, on the one hand, on the current doctoral candidates and, on the other hand, on the postdocs who are associated with GSGG as supervisors of doctoral candidates:
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The Welcome Day will begin with a concise presentation on our offers for international doctoral candidates. This year, current and former members – Sumrah Arshad from Pakistan, Aleksandra Bovt from Poland und Daniele Panizza from Italy – will speak of their experiences. As always, the event will lead to a get-together with coffee, … Weiterlesen
22th May 2019, 6 pm, KWZ 0.607
For many years, in the course of the KOMPASS programme of the Faculty of Humanities, we have responded students to all their questions concerning the PhD. Because, regrettably, the programme ended, we now offer the information event “Wie(so) promovieren“ within the post programme of the “Praxisbörse”. … Weiterlesen
On Wednesday, 11th June, from 2 pm, our general meeting will take place. We will report about our work over the past year and are looking forward to an ensuing lively discussion with you on the future direction of the graduation school. Furthermore, the doctoral candidates will elect the PhD delegates on the board. … Weiterlesen
On Wednesday, 3rd July, from 4 pm, our second alumni event takes place. Our guest will be Dr Johanna Brumberg, who finished her doctoral degree in the subject History in Göttingen and who is now responsible as a research officer of VolkswagenStiftung for the funding line “Freigeist-Fellowships“. … Weiterlesen
On 9th October 2019, for the second time, a campus wide welcome and information event for international doctoral candidates will take place – please find further information here. … Weiterlesen
Thursday, 24th October 2019 From 4 pm Alte Mensa, Adam-von Trott-Saal
The twelfth “Tag der GSGG“ will begin with the “Geisteswissenschaftlichen Einblicken“, which gauges a wide range of research within the Humanities across various disciplines and periods through short presentations and poster presentations by doctoral candidates. … Weiterlesen
On 5th and 6th June 2019, the science historian Hans-Jörg Rheinberger is guest at ZTMK as a “Featured Thinker”. Rheinberger, former director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, will give a lecture on the topic ”Über die narrative Ordnung des Experiments”; the following day, he will conduct a workshop for doctoral candidates. … Weiterlesen
During the winter semester 2019/2020, another round of our Hetairos Programme will take place; the application deadline will end on 15th June. In the course of the team teaching programme, you plan and give a seminar together with an experienced professor; simultaneously, you are introduced in the theory and praxis of university teaching through workshops, … Weiterlesen
Until the application deadline on 15th June, international doctoral candidates can apply for an individual writing consulting. The offer is addressed to doctoral candidates who are still at the beginning of their doctoral phase, whose mother tongue is not German but who are writing their dissertation in German. … Weiterlesen
22th to 25th June Convention Centre by the Observatory Application deadline: 14th May to 16th June 2019
The Week of Methods of the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) includes four parallel interdisciplinary workshops, each of which commits itself to one socio-scientific method and gives the opportunity for its deepening and broadening. … Weiterlesen
Monday, 17th June, 9 am to 1 pm Heinrich-Düker-Weg 5; Room 2.111
The workshop gives a first insight into science management as a possible occupational field for persons with a doctoral degree; it is addressed to young scientists of the entire campus Göttingen to give them an understanding of the various fields of work within university administration and to allow them a first assessment whether this might be an interesting career path. … Weiterlesen
The start-up support of the administrative department Cooperation and Innovation of the university offers in cooperation with the InnovationCampus (SNIC) various events in the summer semester 2019, such as Start-up Days, lectures and networking events. Especially to be emphasised is the series of workshops “Young Entrepreneurs in Science“ for doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines, … Weiterlesen
This workshop is addressed especially to doctoral candidates, whose mother tongue is not German and who write their dissertation or other academic texts in German. … Weiterlesen
In February, the University of Göttingen participated for the second time in the Europe-wide “3 Minute Thesis“ competition of the Coimbra Group, at which doctoral candidates present their research in only three minutes. More than one hundred visitors participated in this event. The winner of Göttingen, Claudia Schmidt of the MPI for biophysical chemistry has qualified for the final, … Weiterlesen
Open Science pursues the target to open and give access to research processes and research results for everyone – academics as well as laypersons. This access includes publications, research data and methodical approaches and ensures visibility and transparency within science in line with good scientific practice but also reproducibility of research results. State and university library assists members of the university, … Weiterlesen
The department Research offers access to the highly recommended online tool “Open4Research“, which enables an individual search for suitable support initiatives (nationwide and international) for academics of all qualification levels. Until further notice, Open4Research is accessible until the 31th July 2019 for all members of the University. Registration is possible with the personal GWDG user data. … Weiterlesen
The “Enlightenment Wednesday Club“ of the Lichtenberg college set up a digital notice board, on which current notifications about conferences, lectures and publications as well as news about projects and further offers are published. Non-members have the opportunity to announce their events via the notice board too. Please find the contact details here. … Weiterlesen
This year, the event series “‚Alle gleich anders?!‘ Diversität in Theorie und Praxis“ at the University of Göttingen focuses “Recht und Diversität“. The six evening events in May and June 2019 include topics such as inclusion, antiracism, sexual and gendered diversity and strategies against discrimination. Especially students but also (prospective) doctoral candidates, … Weiterlesen
Thursday, 16th May; 6.15 pm to 7.45 pm VG 1.103
Susanne Groth of the University of Köln will talk in her lecture about experiences and findings from the project “PROMI – Promotion inklusive“, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and through which 45 university graduates at overall 21 German higher education institutions receive the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree. … Weiterlesen
Monday, 20th May; 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm Convention Centre by the Observatory, large seminar room
On 20th May, GGG issues an invitation to an event of the series “Es muss nicht immer Wissenschaft sein“ concerning the topic “Berufsfeld ‘Mobilität‘ nach der Promotion“. Alumni of the graduate school will report on their experiences in extramural professions. … Weiterlesen